Opt-In Design Archives - Kristin Rappaport Creative https://kristinrappaport.com/category/opt-in-design/ Branding + Graphic Design Help for Online Entrepreneuers Thu, 29 Sep 2022 18:51:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://kristinrappaport.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/cropped-KR-favicon-32x32.png Opt-In Design Archives - Kristin Rappaport Creative https://kristinrappaport.com/category/opt-in-design/ 32 32 196487454 25 Creative Opt-in Freebie Ideas That’ll Help You Create Your Own https://kristinrappaport.com/opt-in-freebie-ideas/ https://kristinrappaport.com/opt-in-freebie-ideas/#comments Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:10:10 +0000 http://applecartlane.com/?p=1937 What’s up, action taker?! If you’re getting ready to create an opt-in freebie to your website and you’re looking for some creative opt-in freebie ideas… You are exactly in the right place, right now! (Don’t you just love when that happens??) I’m sure you know this, but growing your email list is one of the most […]

The post 25 Creative Opt-in Freebie Ideas That’ll Help You Create Your Own appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

25 Opt in freebie examplesWhat’s up, action taker?! If you’re getting ready to create an opt-in freebie to your website and you’re looking for some creative opt-in freebie ideas… You are exactly in the right place, right now! (Don’t you just love when that happens??)

I’m sure you know this, but growing your email list is one of the most important steps in getting your blog or business to the next level. Even if you are on every social media channel known to woman, you don’t own ANY of that information or those people! Instagram or Facebook could vanish from the interwebs tomorrow – and all of your followers would disappear along with it. Scary thought, huh?

That’s exactly why you need a high-converting opt-in freebie.

Looking for Opt-In Freebie Ideas?

We’re probably a lot alike. Whenever I get a new idea in my head or an itch to create something new, I ALWAYS do a good amount of research. Like you, I like to see what other people are already doing that is working. I don’t research to steal ideas or copy, but just to get that initial inspiration I need to get started working on my own projects.

And I have a feeling that is exactly what you are doing right this very second. Am I right?

So in this post, I’m going to answer some burning hot questions about opt-in freebies and share some of the best opt-in freebie ideas from around the web. We’re talking knock-your-socks-off, make you wanna hand your email address over kind of opt-in freebie ideas that you can use for your very own inspiration!

Alright, let’s dig in!

What is an Opt-in Freebie?

Opt-in freebie, lead magnet, content upgrade… whatever you want to call it, all of these things are very similar. They’re any piece of content that you give away in exchange for an email address. Your opt-in freebie could be a .pdf, checklist, guide, eBook, or any other digital product.

An opt-in freebie often leads your viewers to a paid product or service, but if you don’t have that yet, don’t fret. You can use your growing list to offer your audience valuable information and get them to trust you so that when you do have a product or service, you have a nice little bunch of dream customers primed and ready to buy.

Types of Opt-In Freebies

There are SO many unique ways that you can grow your email list with an opt-in freebie. Here are a few things to think about to help you narrow it down:

  • What content do you plan to provide your viewer?
  • What do you want your viewer’s experience to be like?
  • What will be most feasible for you to create?
  • What is the goal of the freebie? (Purchase product, sign up for service, etc.)

There is no one size fits all, and it really depends on what content you want to create, what your audience prefers, and what you feel is most feasible.

types of opt-in freebiesHere are 25 opt-in freebie ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. Audio transcript or file
  2. Access to an exclusive Facebook group
  3. Behind-the-scenes content
  4. Checklist
  5. Free challenge
  6. Mini-course
  7. Free Consultation
  8. Resource Library
  9. Webinar
  10. Worksheet
  11. Step-by-step or How to
  12. Templates
  13. Roadmap
  14. PDF guide
  15. Workshop
  16. Email course
  17. Live Training
  18. Free trial
  19. Discount
  20. eBook
  21. Swipe Files
  22. Roundup of Resources
  23. Bundle of things
  24. Video Tutorial
  25. Free review or coaching call

What Makes An Irresistible Opt-In Freebie?

Great content that provides your audience with value is key to an irresistible opt-in freebie. You also need to make sure that it is targeted to your dream customer and not too vague; you don’t want to attract the wrong people. It’s better to have a small email list of 250 ideal clients than an email list of 1000 people who don’t really need or care about what you have to offer.

But that’s not all! Just like with any type of marketing you do for your blog or online business, there is another VERY, VERY important piece of the puzzle that you need to make sure is on-point.

An irresistible opt-in-freebie will also be well-designed and visually pleasing to your audience.

The actual look and feel of any type of opt-in freebie will be one of the first things that your viewer will notice before they even decide if they want to learn more about what you have to offer.

Your opt-in freebie might be the very first impression someone gets of you and if you don’t nail it, you could risk them clicking away before digging into your awesome content.

HOLD UP! Free Design Training Alert!

If you’re ready to create your opt-in freebie yesterday,  and itching to learn more about branding your business, designing amazing graphics to market your content (aka your opt-in freebie!), and offers with a healthy dose of Canva know-how, tune into my free, on-demand graphic design training, Design Class 101: From Chaos to Canva Pro!

So go ahead and enroll and then you can pop right back over this article for inspiring opt-in freebie ideas!

Free Graphic Design Training

Sweet, you’re back. Alright, now on to the show…

Opt-in Examples and Digital Freebie Ideas

So now that you know what an opt-in is, the different types of opt-ins you might want to create for your audience and what makes an irresistible opt-in, let’s dig into the goods! I’ve scoured the corners of the internet, reached out to my favorite influencers, and put together an EPIC collection of opt-in freebie ideas and examples just for you!

Take note: all of these opt-in freebies are targeted at a specific audience, and most importantly, LOOK PROFESSIONAL!

Branding & Design Quickstart Guide // kristinrappaport.com (my opt-in freebie!)

I couldn’t start this round-up without tooting my own horn a little. This little lady of mine brings me tons of email subscribers each and every day. These are all people who want better manage the design side of their business: bloggers, online business owners, digital product creators, Esty shop owners…the list goes on!

5 Day Postpartum Reset // earlyrootsnutrition.com

Krista from earlyrootsnutrition.com has been blogging for about a year.  Krista’s opt-in freebie grew her email list from 24 to nearly 200 in just two months. She uses Pinterest to promote her blog posts, and that method brings her anywhere from 1-4 subscribers a day without having to do much. Check out her 5 Day Postpartum Reset!

Opt In freebie example

The Blog Plan // startamomblog.com

Suzi from startamomblog.com is indeed an inspiration when it comes to successful opt-ins! Suzi has multiple opt-ins and countless different printables on her blog, but she mainly promotes her 12 Month Blog Plan. These are the exact steps she used to grow her blog from $0 to over $9,000 per month in less than a year.  I nearly fell out of my seat when I found out how many email subscribers Suzi gets per month. Are you ready for it?

Keep scrolling!

Almost there! 🙂

3,000! Yes, you read that right! 3,000 email subscribers each month! She must be doing something right.

I love that Suzi’s blog plan uses eye-catching colors along with easy to read, bold fonts. I also admire her font choice and the playful way she handled the colors on the cover of her opt-in freebie. Check out her blog plan here.

If you’re wanting to start a blog but don’t know quite where to start, Suzi’s course, Blog by Number is a fantastic course you need to get your blog up and running in no time. With numbers like hers, you can be sure you’ll be learning from a pro!

Opt In freebie example

The Blog Launch Checklist // themillennialsahm.com

Kermilia has only been blogging for a few months and writes about all things Motherhood, parenting, and blogging! She recently published her very first opt-in, and although she was extremely nervous to put it out there, she has successfully gotten over 150 subscribers since releasing it.

I love that Kermilia’s opt-in is simple and easy to follow. It makes implementing the must-dos on her Blog Launch Checklist that much easier! Check out her op-in here.

Opt In freebie example

Is Your Brand Cool – Worksheet // sophiennewman.com

Sophie has been blogging for about a year but only recently started to level up her content by providing more freebies. Her niche is creatives and entrepreneurs who are trying to showcase their brand and reach their target audience online. She helps them understand their awesomeness and build a presence that connects with their market, which is super important for any online business who wants to get noticed! She uses about five opt-ins to see what people are most interested in; however, her marketing quiz that helps people figure out where to focus their marketing efforts is giving her the best results.

What I love about the designs of Sophies opt-in freebie is that her brand really shines through. She uses exciting stock photos with a blue overlay. The simple font is also a winner in my design eye! You can download this freebie, along with a few others here.

Opt In freebie example

Website Worksheet // julesdesign.co

Julie has been blogging for a little over a year now. She creates content for female entrepreneurs and tends to work with businesses that have a holistic or natural component to them like health coaches, yoga studios, and green beauty companies. In regards to the success she has seen from her opt-in, the Website Worksheet, she shared this with me:

“My Website Worksheet is a really helpful tool for business owners who want to start improving their own website – and quick! I’m happy with the growth that I’ve seen since I started offering the Website Worksheet through these opt-in’s. Just since September, my list has grown by about 75%. I attribute this to my clear and effective opt-ins, as well, as promoting the worksheet.”

Grab a copy of her worksheet here.

Opt In freebie example

Free Printable Library // thismomlife.co

My friend Bridget has been blogging since May 2017. She blogs about simple, actionable strategies that can enhance your every day. She has an adorable little boy as well who I am sure was the inspiration for her adorable printables. As a new blogger, Bridget understood the importance of investing in her blog and purchased some adorable clip art from Whimsy Clips. She then created a set of free printables and popped them into a printable library where readers have to supply their email addresses for access. These printables are something that my mom would hand over her email address for, Bridget also shares tips for maximizing results with the printables in her blog posts! Win-Win!

Visit Bridget’s resource library and download these adorable printables here.

Opt In freebie example

Goal Planning for Busy Moms // redefiningmom.com

When I think of bloggers who are impacting and changing the lives of moms who want to build a business and crush their goals, Monica is one of the first that comes to mind. She’s been blogging for almost five years and to say that this woman knows what she is doing is an understatement! I have spent countless hours on her blog, Redefining Mom, and interacted with her in her Facebook group. Monica has a super successful opt-in, Goal Planning for Busy Moms (what mom isn’t busy?!) that she launched in 2016. Within two weeks, she had gotten over 1,000 sign-ups! She’s killing it again with a redesigned opt-in freebie that she is heavily promoting and has already reached over 500 signups in a single week. 

Monica’s opt-in is lengthy and contains tons of information, but has a ton of variance and use of different styles that keeps the reader engaged while guiding them through the plan. Her font choices are casual which makes you feel like you are talking with a friend, and I like that about her opt-in. Check out her opt-in freebie here.

Opt In freebie example

Traffic Tactics // momsmakecents.com

McKinzie, founder of Moms Make Cents, offers a handful of different opt-ins, and every one of them is well designed and looks phenomenal! McKinzie has lots of success with her digital freebies, but her most successful opt-in one is her free Pinterest course which brings her 500-600 email subscribers a month. The course itself is video-based but she markets her Pinterest course with eye-catching graphics that lets you know she means business. Check out her well-designed resources page where you can check out what she’s got going on in her land of opt-ins!

Opt In freebie example

2017 Holiday Planner // livingwellspendingless.com

Although I wasn’t able to get a hold of Ruth herself, (I am sure she is busy running her multi-million dollar online businesses) I still wanted to feature her opt-in freebie that I recently downloaded, the 2017 Holiday Planner. This is a perfect example of a seasonal opt-in that has the potential to bring you in hundreds of subscribers. All of Ruth’s freebies and products are fantastically (I may have just made that word up.) designed, and I think that has a lot to do with how successful she is. Ruth is a very successful blogger and is the person behind the well-known blogging course, Elite Blog Academy. Check out Ruth’s blog, where you can check out all kinds of fabulous opt-ins!

Opt In freebie example

How Do You Make an Opt-In Freebie?

Once you know what format you’re going to use, you can get to the fun part of actually creating your opt-in freebie! This is the most important part of the whole process and it’s okay if it seems a little overwhelming.

If you need to create a digital product like a checklist, cheatsheet, workbook or printable type freebie, you can use free design software like Canva. Canva is perfect for DIY designers creating visual content since there isn’t a huge learning curve like there would be with more advanced design programs. With Canva, you can create worksheets, checklists, multi-page documents and even slide decks for webinar and video training opt-ins.

Here’s a 30-day trial of Canva Pro if you want to check it out.

I dig into the step-by-step opt-in design process for creating an opt-in freebie in this post.

If you choose to do a webinar or anything that involves video, my favorite easy-to-use tool is Screencast-O-Matic. You can record and even do small edits within the software. There’s a small charge but this is what has worked well for me.

Opt-In Freebie Promotional Graphics

Once your freebie is designed, you’ll need a few graphics to promote it! You’ll want them to have the same look and feel and overall aesthetic; ideally both with the same fonts, colors, and imagery. One thing I like to do is bring my opt-in freebie to life with mockups like tablet screens, and computer screens or just dropping in the .jpg of my final freebie. I think this helps any digital product feel more “real”and has a higher perceived value. Here are some promotional graphics you might want to create to market your opt-in:

  • Horizontal in-post graphic
  • Sidebar graphic
  • Pinterest pins
  • Facebook share graphic

Opt-In Freebie Templates

Canva has tons of opt-in freebie templates that you can use to get started. Once you are in Canva, click on “Create a New Design”. I usually just create a custom-sized document that is 8.5″ x 11″ – the standard letter size. Of course, this size will be different if you’re creating webinar slides or something totally unique for your audience.

You can work from scratch and create your own layout, which will be the best option since you’ll be in total control of what your opt-in freebie looks like. However, I do understand that the thought of designing something from scratch can be super intimidating. That’s where an opt-in template will come in handy.

If you’re ready to start creating, check out Launch Your List over in The Design Shop, which includes 40+ page layout templates AND design training! You’ll be able to create your lead magnet or opt-in freebie in NO time!

Lead Magnet Examples

Whether you start from scratch or go the template route, you’ll still want to keep basic graphic design principles in mind and avoid making silly design mistakes.

I hope these opt-in freebie ideas give you the inspiration you need to create your own!

I can’t wait to see what you create!

Kristin Rappaport post signature

The post 25 Creative Opt-in Freebie Ideas That’ll Help You Create Your Own appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

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How to Design a Printable for Your Blog https://kristinrappaport.com/how-to-design-a-printable/ https://kristinrappaport.com/how-to-design-a-printable/#comments Tue, 02 Oct 2018 02:33:50 +0000 https://applecartlane.com/?p=3482 In this article, I am going to share with you everything I know about how to design a printable for your blog or business. Printables are one of the best and quickest ways to help grow your blog. You can use them to grow your email list, sell them online and even turn them into […]

The post How to Design a Printable for Your Blog appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

How to design a printable freebieIn this article, I am going to share with you everything I know about how to design a printable for your blog or business.

Printables are one of the best and quickest ways to help grow your blog. You can use them to grow your email list, sell them online and even turn them into tangible products that people will actually buy from you! Your options for them are endless and your imagination is the only limit. This leaves the doors wide open for you to turn just about any idea into a printable your viewers will eat up.


This brings me to my next point. PLEASE don’t let it scare you off.

I Can’t Teach You How to Design a Printable.


Before you tap that little “x” in the top right corner…let met explain something. Although I can’t provide you the perfect step-by-step tutorial for how to create a printable that is specific to you, I will teach you all of my best professional graphic design tips to help you craft a printable that will make you feel and look like you know exactly what you are doing. The best part? You can apply these tips to just about EVERY printable you create from here on out. And that’s the best kind of knowledge to have.

So let’s jump into my version of how to design a printable. Rather, specific design guidelines you should follow if you want to end up with something your readers will: a. hand over their email address for. Or, b. Enter in those magical 16 digits that will make your bank account grow.

In this article, I’m going to assume that you’ve already decided on the specific type of printable you are going to create. If not, go do that. How do you want to help your viewers? Do you have certain content on your blog that resonates more than others? What can you create as a “bonus” to this content? Printables come in many forms: checklists, worksheets, step-by-step guides, planners, calendars, schedules, trackers and even less traditional things like birthday invitations, motivational quotes, decor, and so much more. Your creativity is the only limit!

How to Design a Printable: Design Tips for Non-Designers

Plan It Out

If it’s one thing you take away when it comes to how to design a printable, let it be this. Plan your design out before you get started! This is an important step that most will just look past. I know you’re anxious to start designing your perfect printable, but take a step back and think about its purpose first. Jot down everything that needs to be included and how you wish your viewers to use it. Consider how you would use the printable. Determine the sections of your printable. Figure out what goes together and what isn’t really related. In the world of design, this is called Proximity. This principle is SO important that I even dedicated an entire lesson in my signature course, The Blogger’s Design Primer.

Avoid Basic Graphic Design Mistakes

Even if you’re not a designer, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to follow some basic graphic design principles. Learning some basic skills can go a very long way in the professionalism of your Pinterest pin design. You don’t need to have years of design experience or extensive knowledge of design theory to design a printable that looks professional.

I’ve created a free design mini-course that will teach you ten easy to implement design tips that will take your pins to a new level of design. Enroll in the course and start designing better pins that will improve your Pinterest strategy right away!

Use The Right File Type

When it comes to how to design a printable, make sure you are creating your file in the right format and ideal resolution for use. If it is a printable that is intended to be printed, (as most are) the best file type for output is a .pdf. You’ll also want to create your file at a minimum of 300 dpi. (dots per inch in design lingo) Dpi is the resolution of your document. The higher the dpi, or resolution, the better quality your printable will print. If your file is meant to be used digitally, a .pdf at 72 dpi will do. This will result in a lower quality file, but that is okay since most often computer monitors don’t display over 72 dpi. there are a handful of different file types, but do you know what each of them are specifically for?

File type explanation for bloggers

Keep it Organized

The purpose of creating this printable is most likely to make someone’s life simpler. Therefore, your printable needs to be as organized as can be. A lot of the organization will form in the planning phase of creating your printable. Even so, always keep organization in the forefront of your mind as you’re designing. There is nothing worse than a printable that is more irritating because it doesn’t make sense to the user.

Make Sure it is Readable

With 1000’s of fonts to choose from, it’s easy to get carried away and want to choose the fanciest fonts when learning how to design a printable. Don’t do this! Stick to readable fonts. Make sure they are sized appropriately so the user can easily read and digest them. Stick to your brand fonts if you’ve got some. If not, the safest is to choose a basic sans serif font to work with. If you are using any display fonts or script fonts, use them sparingly. Using them as the title of your printable will be fine but don’t use them much throughout.

Keep it Simple

When you are a beginner designer, it’s hard to design simple. There is a tendency to feel like things aren’t “designed enough”. But, the key to design is not to make things look over-designed. They need to look intentional and purposeful. This usually means keeping it simple. Make sure all of your design decisions have a reason and don’t just use elements for the sake of using them. This creates unnecessary clutter that most designs don’t need.

Don’t Forget About White Space

You don’t need to fill up your entire page with stuff! Make sure all parts of your design have a bit of breathing room as to not overwhelm the user. Keep all elements at least 1/4 inch from the edge of your document. This is also helpful for those printing your files since most home printers don’t print to the edge of the paper. White space will help your printable be clear and more organized if you use it right. Oh, and white space doesn’t have to be white! It can be any space where there is no visual element.

Consider Visual Hierarchy

Hierarchy helps people see the most important stuff first within a design, so you’ll want to make sure you use it to help your viewers understand your printable as you intend it. This might mean making the title of the thing much larger and possibly in a different font than the contents, drawing attention to the directions or another important part of your printable. Consider what you want the user to see first, second and third when using your printable. This all ties into the planning and general flow of your design.

Blog graphic design mistake - not using hierarchy

Infuse Your Brand

If you have brand colors, fonts, and styles, by all means, use them! Your brand is your vehicle for being noticed, becoming recognized and standing out online so take advantage of it. If you don’t have a brand, I recommend starting to think about how you want to represent yourself in the online space. I love this comprehensive article about how to brand your blog. It’s the most comprehensive article I have come across.

Add your URL and Blog Name

Don’t forget this important detail! Always put your blog or business name and URL at the very bottom of your document. This way, nobody can run off with your printable and think they are going to use it as their own without spending a little bit of time removing your information. It’s also helpful in the event that someone downloads something from you and wants more of what you offer down the road. They won’t have to go on a hunt to find you if your information is at the bottom of your printable.

So there you have it, some basic rules to follow if you’re wondering how to design a printable for your blog or business. As i stated before, there are so many different printables you could create for lots of different niches and needs. If you need some inspiration, you can always check on Pinterest, Etsy or Creative Market. Ask your audience what they want! If you’re still stuck, I share my tips on knowing exactly where to start with any design in this post. 

Upload it for Use

Once you have your completed file exported and ready for use, it’s time to upload it to your website so your users can download/buy it! I simply just upload it to my WP media library and then directly link to it when I want to make it available for download. Once you have multiple printables, you may want to consider creating a resource library that has all of your freebies in an easy-to-access place. My friend Kimi, has a  free course that will get your resource library up and running on your own blog or website.

Promote it!

Now it’s time to get your printable in front of your audience! There are many ways to do this, but my favorites ways to promote are:

  1. In Facebook groups, (here’s an extensive guide to the best Facebook groups you can promote your stuff in.)
    To your email list
  2. Adding it to relevant places around you website like blog posts and your sidebar
  3. Creating multiple Pinterest pins and promoting in on Pinterest!

If you want to go all out, you can quickly throw together a landing page that will result in even more conversions! I promise you, building a quick landing page is not hard if you have the right tools!:)

Now, its time to sit back, and watch the email subscribers (or money!) roll in.

How to Collect Those Email Addresses and Deliver Finished Product

Depending on the mail service provider you are using, they probably offer some kind of basic opt-in form. I use Convertkit for all of my email needs and I love everything about their software… Although I love them as an email service provider, I feel very limited when it comes to the opt-in forms and landing pages they offer. I could never create anything that fit my expectations. I wanted a software that gave me LOTS of options and was created specifically for collecting email addresses in a beautiful and functional way. Enter Thrive Leads. If you want ENDLESS custom options for collecting those precious email addresses, look no further.

Thrive also has a landing page builder, Thrive Architect that will allow you to create ANY kind of page for your website, including high converting landing pages for your new sparkly printables. I love that it is a one time charge instead of something monthly, too. These two plugins combined have empowered me to grow my blog unlike any other tool in my arsenal.

P.S Don’t forget to enroll in my free design mini-course where you’ll learn ten tips for designing better Pinterest pins, blog graphics and any other visual content you create for your blog. Learning the basics of design is a skill you can apply to just about everything you create for your blog or biz!

I can’t wait to see what you create!

Kristin Rappaport post signature

The post How to Design a Printable for Your Blog appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

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The Best Pre-Designed Opt-In Templates https://kristinrappaport.com/opt-in-templates/ https://kristinrappaport.com/opt-in-templates/#respond Wed, 23 May 2018 06:00:12 +0000 http://applecartlane.com/?p=3037 Adding an opt-in freebie to your blog can be a surefire way to get your blog to the next level and stary slaying your blogging goals – If you do it right. Your opt-in has to look like a million bucks. I’ve already covered how to design your own opt-in, but what if you don’t want […]

The post The Best Pre-Designed Opt-In Templates appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

opt-in freebie templatesAdding an opt-in freebie to your blog can be a surefire way to get your blog to the next level and stary slaying your blogging goals – If you do it right. Your opt-in has to look like a million bucks. I’ve already covered how to design your own opt-in, but what if you don’t want to screw around with designing one yourself and you’d rather just choose from some done-for-you purchase opt-in templates instead? (I won’t judge, I promise!)

Lucky for you, I know an excellent opt-in template design when I see one! I’ve scoured all of my favorite design resources and hand-picked only the BEST opt-in templates to feature in this epic round-up of the best opt-in templates available.

Finding the Perfect Opt-in Templates

Here are 12 opt-in templates you can use to create that killer opt-in you know you need to put your blog’s growth into overdrive. There’s actually many more than 12. Some include 6 or more templates! Score!

All of these opt-in templates will work in the most popular design software like Canva and InDesign. And, the real beauty of an opt-in template is that it can be modified to fit your specific branding! Find the one that works best for your content and then switch out fonts, colors, and images to make it entirely yours. Nobody will ever know, I promise!

Even if you use a template, it’s always a good idea to improve your own graphic design skills before you get to designing. Enroll in my free graphic design mini-course where you’ll learn 10 actionable tips that you just might need to apply to the opt-in you’re about to create.

Opt-in Freebie Template Pack – Color Pop Collection

Create stunning and professional Opt-in Freebies, Content Upgrades, Lead Magnets, eBooks, Checklists, Worksheets etc… that are branded to fit your needs with the click of a mouse in minutes with these fantastic templates. These are fully editable and come with both Canva and InDesign templates. They even include customizable sidebar and opt-in graphics! Buy Here.

Opt-in freebie templatesEbook Creation Toolkit 

This eBook Creation Toolkit will help you develop & design your own e-book or guide for your business with ease. I love this simple cover and bold headings throughout the template. All nine pages are fully editable in a variety of programs including Word and InDesign. Just add your logo and customize it with a bit of your branding and you’re ready to hit the ground running. Buy the InDesign template here. Buy the Word template here.

The Ultimate Set of Lead Magnet Templates

I am in LOVE with what Maya over at blogbrandhustle.com is up to! She has created a kick-ass set of templates that will make growing your email list EASY. This bundle offers six gorgeous and ready-made templates that are fully customizable. Make them all yours with your own colors, fonts, and branding. She even includes short tutorial videos to help you along the way. Even better? Also included a helpful lead magnet guide, a challenge, and even a mini-course to help you create the best opt-in freebie ever. Buy it here.

The Opt-In Toolbox

If you are looking for sleek and professional-looking opt-in templates, look no further. Vanessa knows exactly what you’re looking for, and precisely where you’re struggling when it comes to your opt-in freebie. Editable in Adobe and Canva, this toolbox includes 30 professionally designed templates to mix & match: a 10 page eBook, 10-page Workbook, five quick Opt-in Pages and 5 Planner & Calendar templates. She also throws in some free stock photos, patterns, and icons to make sure you create the best opt-in you possibly can. Buy it here. (The image below doesn’t do this toolbox justice, see for yourself!)

Turquoise Opt-In Freebie Templates

If turquoise is your jam – this template is for you! But you can change the turquoise to any color if you need. Create a stunning and professional Opt-in Freebie, Content Upgrade or Lead Magnet with the click of a mouse in minutes with these lovely templates. Also included are opt-in graphics and sidebar graphics to help make this opt-in a success. Buy here.

Lead Magnet Bundle

I love the simplicity of this opt-in template! It’s clean and modern and will look even better as soon as you add your own branding to it. This kit contains one 6-page workbook and 12 single-page docs, so you’re guaranteed to get some great ideas, and gorgeous pieces of content, to share or sell within minutes. Buy it here.

Lead Magnet Toolkit Bundle

Another classy and functional opt-in template to bring your opt-in to life without sacrificing hours on designing it. I love the polished look of this, and it’s super easy to edit the fonts, colors, graphics and even tweak the layout to fit your needs. You get a 9-page ebook template, 5-page workbook template, 5-page checklist template, 4 Pinterest optimized blog headers, side-bar opt-in template and MORE. Buy it here.

Boxy Workbook & Layout Template

Boxy is subtle and clean, and it is perfect for your next workbook or course. It includes all of the elements you need to make a fantastic workbook including text, table elements, image placement, note pages, free fonts and more. Any part of the template can be changed to fit your brand such as the fonts, colors, and icons. Buy it here.


Girlboss Sheets

This is an eye-catching set of templates for your planner or a standalone workbook that you can deliver to your visitors or share with your Facebook group! Use it as a: lead magnet or content upgrade that will help boost any online sales funnel. This is a fully-editable InDesign Template that will allow you to edit the styles, text, layout and other features to make it your own. Buy it here.

Minimal eBook Template

If minimalism is your thing, this opt-in template is for you. This stylized yet straightforward template contains 16 different page layouts, so It is 16 pages making it easy to create a dynamic opt-in. All pages are editable in Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. Buy it here.

10-page eBook Template

I can’t get enough of this eye-catching design!  This design allows you to plug and play, which means you can modify this design (change the text, colors & images) to suit your brand with minimal fuss. It is Effortless to customize and adjust the pages to fit your specific needs. Buy it here.

Ladyprenuer Workbook

This workbook template pack gives you the flexibility to mix and match pages to be sure that you can create just about any opt-in you can ever dream of. This Workbook or Content Upgrade Template (includes ten pages) will have your subscribers and customers coming back for more, again and again! Use this template to create your own ebooks, workbooks for courses and workshops and all your opt-in, content upgrades and freebies. Buy it here.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to bring your opt-in to life and get to designing. It will be a breeze when you use one of these pre-designed opt-in templates created by professional designers.

Congratulations! You now have a completed opt-in freebie that’s ready to be integrated into your website.

The best file type to save your opt-in freebie is a simple .pdf. They are recognized by almost all computers and are a versatile file that views good both on a computer monitor or printed. If you ever think someone will print your freebie, you’ll want to save it at the highest resolution possible, usually 300 dpi. Upload your file to the media library in WordPress and connect it to your email service provider. Stick around for an article where I’ll teach you how to implement and deliver your opt-in freebie the easiest way possible!

For a conversion-focused approach to collecting those precious leads, I use and recommend Thrive Leads. It offers the most robust platform I have ever seen for collecting leads in a variety of ways. Thrive Leads integrates seamlessly with ConvertKit and just about every other email service provider in just a few clicks.

I can’t wait to see what you create! Share a link to your finished opt-in in the comments so we can see your beautiful work.

P.S. While many of these templates are editable in Canva, some of them require Adobe InDesign. You can sign up for a free 30-day trial here.

Kristin Rappaport post signature

The post The Best Pre-Designed Opt-In Templates appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

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How to Design an Opt-In Freebie in Five Steps https://kristinrappaport.com/opt-in-freebie-design/ https://kristinrappaport.com/opt-in-freebie-design/#comments Sat, 19 May 2018 18:58:11 +0000 http://applecartlane.com/?p=3003 It doesn’t matter if you have been blogging for a month or three years, if you want to take your blog to another level and start growing your email list, you need an opt-in freebie to make that happen. But you have no design skills, you don’t think you’re creative enough and, um…. where do […]

The post How to Design an Opt-In Freebie in Five Steps appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

how to design an opt-in freebieIt doesn’t matter if you have been blogging for a month or three years, if you want to take your blog to another level and start growing your email list, you need an opt-in freebie to make that happen.

But you have no design skills, you don’t think you’re creative enough and, um…. where do you even begin?!


If you don’t have an idea for your opt-in freebie yet, spend some time figuring out exactly what your audience needs. It has to be something valuable enough they will be willing to hand over their email for.

This might be a no-brainer for you, or it could be a challenge if you don’t know exactly what your audience needs.

A successful opt-in freebie will provide your viewers with a quick fix or a solution to a problem they are having.



Once you have the content ready, it’s time for the fun part! I’m going to share with you a step-by-step process for creating an opt-in freebie that you can add to your website and start building your email list.

Step One: Create a Plan

The first thing you need to do before getting started on ANY design project is to create a plan of action. I can not stress how important this is; it will give you a good handle on the flow of your message. Assess what you have to work with and determine the following:

The format of your opt-in freebie. Is it a checklist, a worksheet, a cheat sheet or a workbook?

The name of your opt-in freebie. Brainstorm a few ideas then ask your audience what resonates more with them. You want the name of your opt-in freebie to be memorable and catchy.

One to two sentences describing what your opt-in freebie is. This “tagline” usually describes what your viewer will get out of your freebie. What problem will it solve? What will the viewer accomplish with it? Having a tagline can help especially is the name of your opt-in doesn’t describe much.

What information will be included? The most important thing to do before you start creating anything is to figure our exactly what you want to be included in your opt-in freebie and organize the content in a way that visually makes sense for your viewer.

What is the overall look and feel you want to portray? If you have branding in place, by all means, stick with it for your opt-in freebie. Don’t go picking random colors and fonts. If you don’t have any branding in place, keep it simple. Stick with no more than 2-3 fonts and choose images that support the overall vibe you want your viewers to feel.

types of opt-in freebiesStep Two: Get Inspired!

Whenever you start a new project, one of the first things you should do is gather some inspiration. I’ve been designign for over 15 years and even my designer brain is not always full to the brim of layout ideas and creative butterflies.

Even the best designers seek inspiration, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Many people diy-ing their own visual content think they are not creative enough to design something that looks good. But with a little inspiration and guidance, you can absolutely do it!

If you need some inspiration, I’ve rounded up some great opt-in freebie ideas.

Using something that has already been done for inspiration is totally okay, as long as you’re not stealing the original and just using it to fuel your own creative ideas. Turn the inspiration you find into your own unique design.
Doing this is actually a great way to learn how to design. It’s the way most everyone learns almost anything.
For example, when you learned how to write, you didn’t research everything there was to know about letterforms. Your parent or teacher most likely wrote out a letter, and you copied it. Over time, you were able to write all 26 letters on your own. This same thing applies to learning how to design graphics and visual content to market yourself online.

Step Three: Learn Some Basic Design Skills

Once you have a plan of action for your opt-in freebie and some design inspiration, it’s time for the fun part: designing your freebie!

in this tutorial, I am going to assume that you want to offer a pdf worksheet, checklist, guide, etc. for your freebie. Don’t worry if you’re creating something like an email course, or free webinar. A lot of these instructions will still apply to you since you will eventually need to generate support documents and promotional graphics.

Make sure your opt-in looks professional.

Enroll in my Free 30-Minute Graphic Design Traning to learn some great design tips for creating your opt-in freebie. YES, it’s only 30 minutes (cause I know you’re busy!) but you are going to learn SO much! You’ll also get a very brief introduction to six super important graphic design principles that will improve your graphics when you use them.

DIY Graphic Design Training

Now that you’ve got some design tips under your belt, it’s time to create your opt-in freebie so you can share it with the world!

Step Four: Design Your Opt-In Freebie

If it’s one thing that all successful opt-in freebies have in common, it’s that they are all visually appealing. Even though we are taught not to judge a book by its cover at a young age, we do it anyways! Your opt-in freebie should look valuable. If it looks unprofessional, you get lower sign-ups and conversion rates.

Head on over to your design program of choice. I am a total InDesign nerd, but you don’t need a professional design program to pull of your first opt-in freebie. You can use Canva, which is a free design software.

Open a new document. The most common size for an opt-in freebie is a standard 8.5″ x 11″ since this is the perfect size for printed pages, but you really can create it any size if you don’t intend your viewer to print it. Maybe you want a square booklet, or a more horizontal layout might work better for your content.

Cover Page
Your cover page should include the name of your opt-in, which should be the largest font used on your opt-in freebie. You want the title of this thing to stand out, right?

Add the tagline or subhead that you decided on in step one. Put the tagline near the header.  Add an image to the background and make sure it is not too bust. Make sure your image gives off the general vibe of your brand.  Add your logo somewhere on the cover. Finally, add your blog URL or logo, and a copyright. (You don’t want someone stealing your hard work.)

You can use your cover page to promote your opt-in freebie on social media and Pinterest. I like to add a drop shadow, and fan out the pages a little bit to make to look “real”.

Incorporate your Branding
Just like I said to make sure your imagery is on-brand, you’ll also want to incorporate your brand fonts and colors into your opt-in freebie. This will create repetition and brand recognition when your opt-in is on its own.

Follow the K.I.S.S rule!
K.I.S.S Is an acronym for keep it simple, stupid. Basically, that means that most of the time, less is more. Don’t go overboard with designing your opt-in freebie.

The Content!
After your cover page is designed, you can move onto developing the meat and potatoes of your opt-in. I can’t tell you exactly how to design this part, because all opt-ins are incredibly different. There is also not really a correct way to design, just principles and rules to follow. I’ll share a few to get you started:

  • Make sure your text is readable and don’t use too many fonts. (Stick to 2-3 max.)
  • Don’t go crazy with color or design effects.
  • Make sure everything is aligned properly and don’t forget to give your document some space around the edges.
  • Use headings to break up your information.
  • Use visual hierarchy (make some things larger than others so there is an order to your design)
  • Create a template so your page numbers, headings, etc. are in the same exact place on every page.

For tons more graphic design tips, don’t forget to enroll in my Free 30 Minute Graphic Design Training.

Add a Call to Action
The last thing you might want to add is a page at the end of your document that prompts your viewer to take another step. This could be joining your Facebook group, purchasing a product or signing up for a consultation. This is not mandatory, but it is a chance to ask your viewer to do something! People don’t do what they aren’t asked to. You can also take this as an opportunity to thank them for downloading.

Step Five: Saving Your File for Delivery

File types can be confusing, but the best file type to save your opt-in freebie as is a simple .pdf. They are recognized by almost all computers and are a versatile file that views good both on a computer monitor or printed. If you ever think someone will print your freebie, you’ll want to save it at the highest resolution possible, usually 300 dpi. Upload your file to the media library in WordPress and connect it to your email service provider.

Congratulations! You now have a completed opt-in freebie that’s ready to be integrated into your website.

For a conversion-focused approach to collecting those precious leads, I use and recommend Thrive Leads. It offers the most robust platform I have ever seen for collecting leads in a variety of ways. Thrive Leads integrates seamlessly with ConvertKit and just about every other email service provider in just a few clicks.

I hope this post was helpful and don’t forget to pin it for later!

I can’t wait to see what you create!

Kristin Rappaport post signature

The post How to Design an Opt-In Freebie in Five Steps appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

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How I Grew my Email List by 480 Subscribers in One Month https://kristinrappaport.com/email-list-growth/ https://kristinrappaport.com/email-list-growth/#comments Wed, 07 Feb 2018 06:00:28 +0000 http://applecartlane.com/?p=1920 Are you ready to start or grow your email list but have no idea where to even start? You probably already know that building an email list is something you need to be doing from the very beginning of your blog or business journey. You may have hundreds of Facebook fans and Pinterest followers, but […]

The post How I Grew my Email List by 480 Subscribers in One Month appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

Are you ready to start or grow your email list but have no idea where to even start?

You probably already know that building an email list is something you need to be doing from the very beginning of your blog or business journey.

You may have hundreds of Facebook fans and Pinterest followers, but your email list is 100% YOURS. If your social media account was lost, you got banned from Pinterest, how would you connect with your audience?

Remember the time that Instagram broke?!

Your email list is your way of communicating with your target audience. It’s how you turn your readers into racing fans and from raving fans into buyers


Focus on Building Your Email List

Building an email list is probably one of the most important things you can do as an online business owner. And there is no better time than right now to start building yours.

Many successful bloggers will admit that one of the biggest mistakes they made when starting their blog was not growing their email list from the start. Don’t let this be you! Start thinking about how you will build your email list from the gate.

Wait a minute, how do you grow an email list, anyway?

How to Grow Your Email List with An Opt-In Freebie

If you want to grow your email list, you better have something irresistible to offer your readers. Your opt-in better be something of enough value that they will hand over their email address for it. When I first started my business, Applecart Lane was a mommy/lifestyle blog. Since a “mom blog” is a very broad niche, It took me a bit of time to come up with a perfect opt-in that my readers would love, but I eventually came up with something that my viewers wanted!

Since starting my blog, I have made quite the pivot and now teach graphic design to online business owners.

Although being a “supermom” is no longer my focus, I still like to share the success I had with my very first opt-in that grew my email list to 700+ in just a few months.Get access to 20 printables to help you feel like supermom!

As I said, my blog was very broad at the time. I wrote for moms. Most moms I know want to be more organized. To help my readers, I designed my Mama Prints Mini Bundle. This little pack of printables was intended to attract moms of all kinds, and It went like hotcakes! As soon as I published it, the subscribers started rolling in.

As you can see in the screenshot below, most of my subscribers come from my Mama Prints Mini Bundle. On November 4th, I received 29 subscribers from that opt-in alone.

What Makes a Good Opt-In?

Most importantly, you need to be able to provide your readers with something of value. What are their pain points? What do they need help with? What can you offer them that will help them with their struggles? If you can figure this out, you can create a killer opt-in that will grow your email list exponentially! Read 10 Bloggers Killing it with Their Opt-In Freebie if you need some inspiration.

In addition to providing your readers something of value, your opt-in will be so much more successful if you can create something that looks relatively professional. Your readers will be much more likely to subscribe if the opt-in they receive seems like you put your heart and soul into it. Find out what all successful opt-ins have in common here. 

Enroll in my Free 30-Minute Graphic Design Traning to learn some great design tips for creating your opt-in freebie. YES, it’s only 30 minutes (cause I know you’re busy!) but you are going to learn SO much! You’ll also get a very brief introduction to six super important graphic design principles that will improve your graphics when you use them.

DIY Graphic Design Training

How to Collect Email Addresses

So you’re getting some traffic and you have a smashing opt-in, but how do you actually collect those valuable email addresses?

Thrive Leads is the ultimate list building plugin for WordPress. It is hands down, THE BEST plug in to use for collecting email addresses to grow your email list. Thrive Leads has at least nine different styles of opt-in forms you can choose from, so you’re sure to find something that works for you.

Thrive leads for email list growth This simple plugin is essential for growing your email list, and I highly recommend it if you’re looking for lots of options. It’s not free, but it is a reasonable one-time fee, and it’s totally worth it in my opinion!

Harness the Power of Pinterest

Monitor with Pinterest

If you’re underestimating the power of Pinterest then you’ll want to read on.

At the time of writing this article, Pinterest drives over 75% of my traffic and email sign-ups.

I take my time when designing Pinterest pins for all of my content, including specific pins for any opt-in I create.

I then hand them over to my Pinterest manager and she pins the pins to all relevant boards and Tailwind tribes. It all happens on autopilot, using an app called Tailwind.

Tailwind makes me look super active on Pinterest while bringing me valuable email subscribers on autopilot! The pins exist on Pinterest forever, so they can bring me website traffic and email subscribers for years to come.

If you use this link to sign up, you’ll snag a free 30-day trial.

Managing Your Email List

If you want to skip the BS and go right for the mailing system that is created for serious online creators, you need ConvertKit.

If it wasn’t for Convertkit, I wouldn’t have a way to deliver my opt-in freebie to all of my subscribers.

The best part? It’s easy to learn and understand.

Within about 30 minutes I was able to set up an email list sequence that delivers my freebies and welcomes my subscribers. And it all runs behind the scenes, so I don’t have to worry about it. It also allows me to send out segmented emails to certain people on my list with the use of tags and automations. Talk about a time saver!

That’s My Method, Now Make It Yours!

To sum it up, here’s what I did, and what you need to do to put your email list in high gear:

  • Come up with an opt-in that will solve a problem your readers have.
  • Complete my graphic design mini-course to get a handle on the graphic design principals and rules you need to follow to produce a professional-looking opt-in.
  • Use Thrive Leads to collect email addresses
  • Implement a Pinterest strategy using a Pinterest automation tool like Tailwind.
  • Use a mail program like ConvertKit to deliver your smashing opt-in
  • Sit back and watch your email list grow!

I hope this post inspires and encourages you to start growing your email list today.

I can’t wait to see what you create!

Kristin Rappaport post signature

The post How I Grew my Email List by 480 Subscribers in One Month appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

https://kristinrappaport.com/email-list-growth/feed/ 3 1920
A Secret to Opt-In Freebie Success https://kristinrappaport.com/successful-opt-in-freebie/ https://kristinrappaport.com/successful-opt-in-freebie/#comments Tue, 05 Dec 2017 02:55:42 +0000 http://applecartlane.com/?p=1849 “Start a blog!” they said!  “Build an email list!” they said! “But how?” I wondered. What was the magical equation that would send me into email subscriber heaven? After a bit of research, the answer was clear: I needed to create a valuable piece of content that my viewers would hand over their email for. […]

The post A Secret to Opt-In Freebie Success appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

Creating an opt-in freebie? Click here to find out what all successful opt-ins have in common. printable for blog, email list building, email list printable, email list ideas, email list tips, grow your email list, email list for bloggers, email list design, content upgrade, email subscribers, mailing list, lead magnet, opt in template, opt in idea“Start a blog!” they said!  “Build an email list!” they said! “But how?” I wondered. What was the magical equation that would send me into email subscriber heaven? After a bit of research, the answer was clear: I needed to create a valuable piece of content that my viewers would hand over their email for.


Grow your Business with an Opt-In Freebie

Creating a successful opt-in freebie is an absolute must if you want to grow your email list. On any given day, hundreds or even thousands of people will stumble upon your website.

If you don’t have a strategic plan to capture these people, you’re missing out on a tremendous opportunity. You see, your email list is gold when it comes to monetizing your blog or running your online business.

You can pump out article after article, pin like crazy on Pinterest and drive traffic to your website via Instagram, but if those website visitors aren’t given the chance to connect with you, they won’t. And that would be sad:(

An opt-in freebie gives you the opportunity to create real, long-term relationships with your viewers. Nurture those relationships and provide tremendous value to your people, and you will grow a tribe of followers that will later turn into paying customers.

Offer Something Somebody Wants

I have done my fair share of subscribing to email lists. On any given day, I receive 10+ emails from other bloggers that I follow. But how did I end up on 10+ email lists? Simple. I visited their site looking to solve a problem I was having. They had an opt-in freebie that would help.

In exchange for their information, all I had to do was provide my email address and bam! The information I was seeking was delivered right to my inbox.

Types of Opt-In Freebies

types of opt-in freebiesAn opt-in freebie can be a variety of things. I have seen anything from a simple checklist, a fillable .pdf, a worksheet, a guide of sorts, a template, a cheat sheet or a mini-course like the one I use to capture those valuable email addresses! Marina over at yestotech.com has a list of eight epic opt-in ideas if you need some more inspiration.

So, what do all successful opt-in freebies have in common? They are all beautifully designed! In fact, here are 10 bloggers killing it with their profesh looking opt-ins.

Make it Pretty

The way your opt-in freebie looks will play a HUGE role in the number of people you get to join your email list.

First things first, it needs to look professional and eye-catching. Your viewers will see the “cover” of your opt-in freebie long before they see what’s inside, so you need to be sure that it has a good design and looks appealing.

Head on over to this article, where I break down how to design your first opt-in freebie. If you’re ready to get started.

In a nutshell, I suggest gathering some inspiration, learning some basic design skills and getting to work. Don’t forget the golden rule of design: K.I.S.S – Keep it Simple, Stupid. Don’t try to come up with something that is overly designed.

Free Graphic Design Training

If you’re ready to learn some basic design, enroll in my Free 30-Minute Graphic Design Traning to learn some great design tips for creating your opt-in freebie. YES, it’s only 30 minutes (cause I know you’re busy!) but you are going to learn SO much! You’ll also get a very brief introduction to six super important graphic design principles that will improve your graphics when you use them.

DIY Graphic Design Training

Here’s The Proof

My I average about 15 new email subscribers a day after publishing my Mama Prints Mini Bundle. I designed this opt-in freebie when I first started blogging, and have since pivoted into teaching graphic design to online business owners.

This opt-in had me on track to have just under 5,000 email subscribers after one year! Woah! That even sounds crazy to me! (Side note, I retired this as a freebie since my niche has changed. I now offer it for $3 and consistently make money from it!)

Watch the Subscribers Pour In

Having a well-designed opt-in that looks like you put your heart into it equals lots and lots of email subscribers for you. If you want to build long-lasting relationships with your subscribers that will ultimately lead to money in your pocket, then creating a professional-looking opt-in freebie is an absolute must!

Get started on the right foot by making sure your opt-in freebie looks good enough to download. Enroll in my free Graphic Design Training and improve your graphic design skills so you can make your opt-in ultra-downloadable! (is that even a word?)

I can’t wait to see what you create!

Kristin Rappaport post signature

The post A Secret to Opt-In Freebie Success appeared first on Kristin Rappaport Creative.

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