Increase Pinterest traffic with photos of youHey friends! I’m coming to you today with a fun and exciting method that you can use to increase Pinterest traffic to your website. (Cause who doesn’t use Pinterest in hopes of striking the pot of gold and unlocking a steady stream of traffic to their website?!)

I promise that you’ll be SO glad you stumbled across this post because I can almost guarantee the method something you would have NEVER thought of yourself.

As if increasing your Pinterest Traffic isn’t enough, this same method will also help you increase your visibility and quickly gain trust among your dream viewers.

Increase Your Pinterest Traffic with This Fun Technique!

so what is this fun technique I speak of?

Adding photos of you (yes, you!) right on your pins!

Before I go any further, let me tell you a little story…

Last fall, I took a leap in my business and got real brand photos taken… Of myself! It was like a senior picture session for an adult. It was fun and awkward all at the same time, but I’m so glad I had it done.

Once I started using the images on my website and in my marketing graphics… It was like a fire was lit inside of me. It totally transformed the way I look at my business. It’s ALL ME! And I love it.

Then I Met Jennifer…

So when my biz friend, Jennifer introduced me to her method called “Create Photos of You – Stand Out on Social Media!” I knew I had to give it a shot.

(Photos of you?!! Yes you! You are an amazing person that your audience can’t wait to connect with!)

Because I want you and your business to experience the same Pinterest success that I have, (I’ve grown my entire online business primarily using Pinterest alone!) I knew that I couldn’t keep this POWERFUL pin design technique with you!

I spent all morning creating some new pins using this method and I am loving the result!

Check out these pins I’ve created with the Photos of You method:

I literally squealed. eeeeek!

While we’re on the subject of Pinterest Pin design

If you’re ready to up-level your Pinterest strategy, my free on-demand workshop, The 5-Part Pinterest Pin Design Formula will put you on the fast track to creating beautiful pins that actually convert. Yes, it’s FREE and you can watch it immediately!

I share a TON of Pinterest headline tips (and so many more pin design tips!) in my free on-demand Pin Design Workshop!

And you can watch it right now! (No waiting for a specific time that you can’t commit to.) 

Okay – back to the photos of you method!

Using photos of yourself will give your brand that know-like-trust factor that any online business needs to succeed, along with TONS of click to your website from Pinterest! It’s fun to see the person behind the pin and this is a brand new technique that not many people are using.

Any pin that has a photo of me gets at least double the clicks than my pins that don’t have a photo of me. People are visually connecting with me on my pins and automatically begin to feel like they know me. Even if it’s just a little, it definitely helps with increasing traffic!

Check out Jennifer’s stats on her pins when she implemented this method:

How to Add Photos of You to Your Pinterest Pins

Here’s what’s you’ll need:

  • Natural light. You can find an area in your home situated in front of a window
  • Your Phone
  • A useful app that is only $2.99
  • A shirt or top in one of your brand colors.
  • The Create Photos of You Guide for only $7.
  • A good hair day 🙂

Increase Your Pinterest Traffic with Photos of You Tutorial

Increasing Pinterest Traffic can be FUN!

Pinterest has SO much potential for creators like you and me – you’re downright silly if you don’t try everything in your power to grow your traffic from the platform. There are many things that make up a winning Pinterest strategy, but it’s up to you and your creativity to see what your audience responds to, and photos of you just may be the ticket to increased Pinterest traffic!

Let me know in the comments if you found this tutorial helpful, if you love the idea, or just want to say “hi!”

I can’t wait to see what you create, and don’t forget to sign up for my free ON DEMAND Pin Design Workshop, The 5-Part Pin Design Formula! 

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